We need YOU to Pledge Support for Local Fruit
The students of LONGHILL are calling on the people of our local community to help us in our quest to gather as many declarations of support for local fruit as possible.
As a part of the Fruit-full Schools project, Longhill High School is one of 200 schools across England, which will be aiming to collectively gather over 100,000 pledges in support of local produce from their surrounding communities.
We, have already established our own orchard as a part of the Fruit-full Schools project, and are in competition to gather the most ‘reasons’ why our community loves and supports local produce. If we win, we will be awarded funds to commission a local artist to create a permanent fruit related art installation in our school grounds.
In addition, anyone that gives their reason why they love local fruit will be in with a chance of winning a stunning new fruit press from Vigo Presses (www.vigopresses.co.uk) worth £220!
Please just follow this link. Pledging support costs nothing and takes less than a minute online on the Fruit-full Schools website- www.fruitfullschools.org/
Thank you for your support with this.
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