Year 9 Reports and Subject Surgery Tuesday 9 July
June 2013
Dear Parent/Carer
A Guide to Year 9 Reports – 2013
Our Year 9 reports will be published on Friday 28 June. They will be available via the reports section of the Information Portal. As we are in the process of changing to paperless reporting, for the time being we will also issue a printed copy to the students to take home.
The school views this as an important opportunity for you to gather information that will enable your son/daughter to achieve the best results they can and for us to answer any questions. To facilitate this we have arranged a Subject Surgery on Tuesday 9 July from 3:00 – 4:15pm
If you see a # in the parent appointment request column, or if you have any concerns and would like the opportunity to discuss the report with the subject teacher(s) concerned, please ensure contact is made with the teacher. Bookings can be made to see teachers on the ‘Parents Evenings’ section of the Information Portal which can be accessed via the school website. Alternatively, you can contact the teachers using the student diary to request an appointment. All teachers’ emails are also available from the contacts section of the Information Portal. If you are having difficulty with any of these methods please feel free to contact reception who will make appointments on your behalf.
Along with the reports, we will also issue an attendance summary to students, although again this is available on the portal. Please inform us, either via the portal or in writing, of the reason for the absence if an ‘N’ or ‘O’ is recorded indicating an unauthorised absence.
Your username for the Information Portal is the e-mail address that you currently have registered with the school. If you wish to update this, please use the slip at the foot of the page. A copy of the Information Portal user guide is available from the web site. If you have any problems accessing the portal please do not hesitate to contact me at or on 01273 304086.
Yours sincerely
Mr A Duffy
Assistant Head Teacher
Re: Email Address Update – Please return to Student Services
Student’s Name ………………………………………Mentor Group……………….……
Main email address:
Please print name and relationship to student:
Second optional email address:
Please print name and relationship to student:
Signed ………………………………………….……….. (Parent/Carer) Date …………….…
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