Additional funding for children adopted from care or leaving care under Special Guardianship or Residential Order
Dear Parent/Guardian
Your child may be eligible for additional funding for Longhill High School.
From April 2014 the school is eligible for additional funding for children who are adopted from care and those who leave care under a Special Guardianship or Residential Order.
The eligibility criteria for children are as follows:
- that left care under a Residential Order on or after 14 October 1991 (under the Children Act 1989);
- that left care under a Special Guardianship Order on or after 30 December 2005 (under the Children Act 1989);
- that were adopted from care on or after 30 December 2005 (under the Adoption and Children Act 2002);
- where the parent self-declares their child’s status to the school, providing supporting evidence (eg an adoption order).
Please can you let the school know prior to 16 January if you believe that your child may be eligible via or if you prefer speak directly with your child’s Head of House.
Yours sincerely
Haydn Stride
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