End of Autumn Term Letter from Headteacher
The disappointment of the Ofsted Inspection remains strongly within the school.
I am strengthened in my resolve and determination by the support from Parents, Students, Governors, and other school colleagues. On behalf all at Longhill I would like to express our gratitude for the many messages of support at this time.
I will continue to have, challenge and support meetings and monitoring visits from the Local Authority, HMI, external Quality Assurance specialists as well as our own in-depth self-evaluation.
The prognosis at present is that the strategies the school had in place prior to Ofsted were well directed. They have been and will be, refined further to ensure maximum impact.
The efforts within the school to increase rates of progress through the development of Teaching and Learning strategies are having impact and will continue to improve our achievement and progress.
The school’s predictions, that this will be our most successful year of achievement ever, will be met. We have three years of steady progress; a data set not available at the time of Ofsted.
The appeal against the process and judgements made by Tribal continue. They have yet to engage with the school to either communicate their findings or any feedback from their investigations. I expect a response of some kind before Christmas.
The school is prepared for an HMI monitoring inspection in January and I will inform parents the outcome of this early next term.
I cannot speak highly enough of the hard work and renewed focus of the Staff and Students at this time. I am both humbled and invigorated by their response and determination to show those who doubt us that we are indeed a good school.
Have a very lovely Christmas with your families and I wish us all a very positive and determined New Year.
Haydn Stride – Headteacher
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