January Letter from the Headteacher

Posted in: News Archive

Happy New Year.

I wish you a happy and successful 2014, for you and your family.

I received notification from Tribal, the contractor employed by Ofsted to conduct the inspection, that they have not upheld either the school’s appeal or complaint.

I therefore must accept their judgements made and respond accordingly.

I have put into place a vigorous sequence of monitoring visits and future inspections from HMI across this year.

I have already arranged monitoring visits from the Local Authority and the HMI.  Their feedback supports the additional strategies the school has now in place to enhance teaching and learning and the progress of our students.

I have an external HMI inspection on Tuesday 14 January 2014.  The outcome of this visit will be in the form of an official letter which I will publish to all parents.  I intent to repeat this process each half term to demonstrate to parents the progress we are making, supported by the HMI across this next year.

Thank you for your emails and letters of support.  They have been well received.

I intend to keep you informed each half term of each inspection that I will arrange to enable you the confidence that the school is meeting the requirements to move back to our ‘Good’ rating as quickly as possible.  It will probably be after this year’s results have been received, where I will invite another full inspection to enable the judgement change.

This will be a hard year for us at school but the outcome will be ultimately a positive one.

Thank you for your support.

Haydn Stride


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