Year 11 Revision Day – Wednesday 26 March 2014
Dear Parent/ Carer
Re: Year 11 Revision Day – Wednesday 26 March 2014
As you may already be aware, there is a national strike for NUT members on Wednesday 26 March.
We originally sent a letter to all parents and carers to say that the school would therefore be closed to all students on this day. At the time of writing, all of the national teaching unions were planning to take industrial action, however some unions have now decided not to strike.
We are therefore now opening the school to Year 11 only on Wednesday 26 March and attached is a timetable of the revision sessions running on the day. Student can just turn up to both or either session depending on their individual timetables.
Student sessions will run from 8.40am to 1pm. Light refreshments will be available to purchase from the canteen.
Please note: due to staff being members of different unions, we are only able to offer the following programme
Yours sincerely
Iain Sallis
Deputy Headteacher
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