Year 7 ATL Report

Posted in: News Archive

Dear Parent/Carer

I have great pleasure in publishing your child’s first Attitude to Learning report, which is now available to view via the ‘Assessments’ section of the Information Portal. We are fully aware that the first term is vitally important in providing your child with a safe and enjoyable learning environment.
We are therefore determined to help your child succeed by giving them, and you, as much support and information as possible. In collaboration with the class teacher, form tutor and head of year, the first stage is to identify subject success and/or any subject concerns.
The Attitude to Learning Report shows information on the following areas:
 Classwork
 Homework
 Behaviour
These sections will have a score of 1 – 4 allocated to them as follows:
1 – Outstanding
2 – Good
3 – Inconsistent
4 – Unsatisfactory
In addition to above information, attendance and achievement points have been included.
May I take this opportunity to remind you of our Pastoral Evening being held on Thursday 23rd October  from 5.00pm – 8.00pm. Appointments are still available and can be made on the ‘Parents evenings’ section of the Information Portal which can be accessed via the school website

Information regarding your child’s target levels and academic progress will be shown later in the academic year.

Please use all of this information proactively to further support your child. Should you have any immediate questions regarding this report please feel free to contact the relevant subject teacher or subject leader.
Broader concerns should be addressed to your child’s mentor or Head of House
Yours sincerely
Mr S Harding
Deputy Headteacher

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