Notice from Headteacher
Dear Parents
The school has received three external quality assurance reviews this term; from the Local Authority, Challenge Partners and Her Majesty’s Inspector ( HMI ).
‘Longhill High School was judged by Ofsted to ‘require improvement’ by the Ofsted inspection team in 2013.
The school is taking robust action to address the issues raised at the inspection.
The trend of the results over the last three years is positive and the monitoring visits carried out by Ofsted have judged the school to be making good progress towards regaining their judgement of good.’
The Local Authority November 2014
The school Self Evaluation ( SEF ) judges the school to be ‘Good’ for both Leadership & Management and for Behaviour & Safety, two of the four Ofsted criteria.
The recent quality assurance visit by HMI supported these judgements to be accurate and a reflection of the progress made by the school over the last year.
Rates of progress and achievement are at or above National for the majority of subjects and for the majority of students.
Further improvement is required, for students in receipt of additional Pupil Premium funding.
Challenge Partners reported that the school was ‘Good’ for both Leadership and for Behaviour; ‘ The school has taken robust action to address issue raised by Ofsted’.
I would like to share with you our confidence in our progress and these above, from the external agencies.
We continue to work hard in support of our children and we remain determined to be the best we can.
Thank you to all our parents for your kind messages of support, this year will again be our best ever.
Haydn Stride
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