Enrichment Week – Ovingdean Beach trips
On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of Enrichment Week, 300 students from years 7 and 8 were taken to Ovingdean beach for a science, maths and art trip. Thanks to wonderful weather, excellent behaviour from students and hard work from all staff involved the trip was very successful.
We walked to Ovingdean beach via Beacon Hill nature reserve, where, under the guidance of the maths department, students took bearings on local landmarks. Once at the beach, students studied marine ecology in the rock pools and studied the local geology. Some students proved to be very gifted fossil hunters, finding numerous fossils from the cretaceous period (around 70 million year old). Students also had a chance to exercise their artistic talents by using materials found on the beach to create sculptures and chalk and charcoal artwork.
Members of the public we shared the beach with appreciated both the artwork the students created and their mature and conscientious behaviour, which was commented on by numerous members of the public. The students were even spotted by a local paraglider, see photo below.
Chalk and charcoal art work
Marine ecology in the rock pools
Building sculptures and writing Longhill on the beach with stones
Spotted from the air
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