Enrichment Week – Year 8 Mental Health days
On Monday 22nd or Tuesday 23rd June Year 8 attended a Mental Health day. This was led by professional visitors to the school as well as trained Longhill staff. Our aims were to promote healthy attitudes; to have the skills and knowledge to be able to look after yourself; to know how to get support if you or a friend needs it.
There were 4 workshops of an hour each:
1) Self Harm
2) Reducing stress and anxiety
3) Counselling and signposting of support
4) Healthy Eating
In the afternoon Year 8 had the opportunity to experience an activity led by instructors in Boxercise, Zumba and Yoga.
Year 8 conducted themselves with great maturity and responsibility. All of our visitors commented on how well everyone participated and were able to give the sensitive topic matter the respect it deserved. Students were supportive of the visitors and the content of their workshops as well as of one another.
Please extend my thanks and praise to your child if they attended the day.
If you have any concerns or queries about anything of the content of the day please do not hesitate to get in touch at: hgarling@longhill.org.uk
Below are some very helpful websites with information and guidance for young people and parents/carers on the topics we covered. The first link in particular gives very straightforward advice to parents/carers with who have been affected by issues of a young person’s mental health.
Thanks very much and enjoy the summer.
Hugh Garling
Coordinator of PSHE
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