GCSE Results 2015
Firstly a huge well done to our students and their families and a big thanks for their support across five years. We hope you will attend our Graduation Evening on Wednesday 16th. Cheese and wine first in the canteen, we intend to start around 6.30pm, chance for a last goodbye.
A huge well done to all the students below who achieved between 8 and 10 A*-A grades.
- Isaac Hoten
- Jinho Looi
- Richard Slaney
- James Avon
- Luke Salmon
- Ruby Jackson
- Megan Darbyshire
- Jessica Froome
- Yassine Boulaich
- Luke Yates
- Sarah Ali
All the students below achieved significantly higher than their target grades, a fantastic result.
- Taylor Monckton
- Sarah Ali
- Callum Jamieson
- Kitty Fabry
- Daisy Mahoney
- Luke Salmon
- James Avon
- Mark O’Connor
- Imogen Smith
- Jessica Froome
- Matthew Streeter
- Laura Plaine
- Oscar Angelkov-Cummings
We have 15 subjects at or above National levels, they are: Fine Art, 3D Art, Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, Childcare, Computer Science, English, History, Physical Education, Physics, Spanish, BTEC Performing Arts and Science.
We are especially pleased that our English results are now above National levels and our Sciences yet again provide evidence of the very strong and consistent provision across the team, to significantly above national standards.
Our overall achievement score increased towards National by some distance and our non-Pupil Premium achievement is above National and significantly so.
However for our Maths results for our C/D borderline students was not good. Our upper ability students in Maths achieved above National results and their progress was also well above National.
Too many students of the lower and middle ability failed to reach the ‘C’ grade boundary.
These outcomes have an impact upon the whole school and along with other areas essential for improvement, such as; pupil premium progress rates and the gap in the achievement for disadvantaged students, will unfortunately impact upon the whole school judgement, which as a result will maintain the school at RI.
Our prediction for progress in Maths next year is very strong and our over-all predictions place the school in a very strong position. The pupil premium gap will close next year and the overall projection is a good one.
Just to place the Maths results in context: our Year 10 students took their Integrated Humanities GCSE a year early, a whole year cohort and achieved National levels of attainment when compared to that of the National Year 11 cohort. This is an outstanding outcome from this year group in Humanities, not one that requires improvement. However Maths remains an issue for us and our data suggests that we will be at National this year and next.
We are doing everything we can to put our Maths results right, the forecasts are strong and to close the achievement gap, but at the same time celebrate our successes, which there are many, with 15 GCSE’s at National levels.
Our current achievement for non-Pupil Premium is significantly above National and for our upper-ability students meets National. We need to do better for our Pupil Premium students and this will be one of our focus areas across this next two years, along with Maths.
We remain determined to be the very best we can be, thank you for your continued support.
Haydn Stride
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