Parent Governors – Call for Nominations

Posted in: News Archive

There are two Parent Governor appointments on the Governing Board. The terms of office of the current Parent Governors expire at the end of February 2016. Nominations are sought from Parents or those with parental responsibility of pupils at the School to take up the new four year terms of office from 1 March 2016.

Nominations should be made in writing and be sent to the Clerk to the Governors, Sheila Baker, at the School. Nominations can also be emailed to, or handed in to Reception at the School. The deadline for nominations is Friday 15 January 2016. If more than two nominations* are received by that deadline, the nominations will be published and circulated to every parent for the purpose of a formal election. That ballot will be concluded during February 2016.

A nomination should include a short personal statement of no more than 200 words in support of the nomination. A separate sheet attached to the statement should confirm the name/s of the pupils providing eligibility for nomination and their year group/s. Pupil information will be kept confidential and will not be published for the purpose of any election.
The personal statement should give a brief indication of the experience and skills that the nominee will bring to the Governing Body and should include any experience of governance of other schools or public bodies.

The Governors are particularly keen to have nominations from parents with finance/accounting or project management skills or experience of school curriculum. Nominations are also particularly welcome from Parents from communities under-represented on the current Governing Board, for example from postcode area BN2 5. However, the main criterion for nomination is enthusiasm to serve the school and its community. Governors are volunteers but can claim for reasonable out of pocket expenses.

Full training and induction is provided to new governors and there is an expectation that governors will continue training and development throughout their period of office.

Any parent who would like further information about the role of Parent Governor should contact the Clerk to the governors by email requesting a role description.
*Current parent governors can submit nominations and are eligible for re-election.

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