Longhill Go That Extra Mile for Charity!
Generous Longhill students have come up with lots of inventive ways to raise money for their chosen charities this year, showing that every contribution, however small, soon mounts up into a fantastic total.
In the Autumn term, students raised money for the Poppy Appeal by competing to see who could raise the most; at Christmas they supported Text Santa by wearing their Christmas jumpers. These events, together with House days, raised the impressive amount of £1,979.34.
Students also showed their generosity in other ways too by donating 100kg of food to their local food bank and by donating a deliciously impressive 175 Easter eggs to the Alex’s Rockinghorse Appeal.
In the Summer Term, our younger students in Years 7 and 8 took part in the The Vale Charity Fun Run, which raised the massive sum of £2,220.63; this is to be divided between the Sussex Stroke & Circulation Fund and Kidney Department at the Royal Sussex County Hospital, the Rugby Union Wooden Spoon children’s charity and the Longhill Sports Legacy.
This year’s charity fundraising culminated in a fabulous final day on Thursday this week with Rainbow Day. This included an array of stalls set up by Business Studies students during the lunch break and was topped off by an extremely bright and cheerful Colour Run. The total from the day was £228.38, divided between the Rainbow Trust children’s charity and Allsorts.
So, the grand total raised by the wonderful Longhill community over the past academic year is a trememdous £4,428.35! Thank you so much everybody for all your hard work and generosity.
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