Fantastic Exam Results!
Longhill High School is delighted to announce their most successful results this year with 56% of students achieving 5 A*to C grades including English and Maths.
This result shows a 6% increase on last year’s results, with many subjects seeing an increase in progress. In particular, English and Maths have seen exceptional improvement, with Maths at national average level and English significantly above.
Longhill’s top performing students were Liam McCann, who gained 6 A*, 3 A and 2 B grades and Rebecca Bridges, who gained 5 A*, 4 A and 1 B grade. Congratulations to Liam and Rebecca and to all the hard-working Longhill students for achieving such great results.
Headteacher, Kate Williams, said, “This is such a fantastic achievement and is a result of hard work and resilience from students and staff.
Longhill is a dynamic school, an asset to its community, with a dedicated staff and we will all continue to work hard to achieve great results for our students.”
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