Longhill Students Enjoy Oxbridge Conference
On Tuesday 13th June, Ms Bradley took a group of 25 Year 10 and 9 students to Roedean School for the Oxbridge Conference. The talk was geared towards high achieving students and aimed to dispel some of the myths surrounding what studying at Oxford and Cambridge really means.
Students listened to inspiring talks about student life at these universities, reasons to apply and key information on what these elite institutions are looking for in their candidates.
The speakers were keen to encourage applications from students of all backgrounds, emphasising a number of times that it is passion and aptitude for their academic discipline that Oxbridge most values in its applicants.
Both the students and their parents were very positive about the experience. It was wonderful to see Year 9 student Laith Abbas confidently probing the panel about the future employability of Oxbridge graduates with a confidence and lucidity beyond his years.
We hope that this experience will be pivotal for these students in cementing the high aspirations that we share for our students.
If your child did not attend this event but you would like to find out more, please contact Ms Bradley for more details. Please email admin@longhill.org.uk and mark your email for her attention.
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