Money Matters Opportunity for Year 10 Students
Students in Year 10 at Longhill High School enjoyed an enlightening course recently from a local bank, focusing on children and young people learning about money. Many surprised faces expressed shocked looks when realising the cost of living, the challenge of saving, the pitfalls of easily available credit solutions and how important planning and saving is for a secure future.
When asked questions like, “Have you ever thought about what money actually means to you?” pupils discussed what money habits they had established so far and what they hoped for in the future. They learned that good budgeting would actually allow them to put luxury or fantasy items onto a spreadsheet and see what it would take to achieve their short term and long term dreams.
During the sessions, Year 10 students worked on several case studies and analysed what could be changed; they compared different offers available on the market and factored in some ‘what if…’ scenarios that incorporated putting the unexpected ‘rainy day’ into the picture.
There was a lot of for the students to think about and absorb, but immediately they expressed an interest in what a further investigations could be made. For example, different career paths, pay versus the cost of education, comparison between renting and owning a property and the different investment opportunities available.
The Money Matters session will hopefully be an annual opportunity for Longhill High students to explore the world of everyday finance and is already pencilled in to next year’s calendar.
A warm thanks to Liz Moore and her team from Lloyds TSB Brighton.
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