Longhill CCF First Aiders Spring into Action!
Less than two months ago, we told you about a group of our CCF cadets gaining their St John’s Ambulance’ Young Lifesavers Award (ACFA). They probably didn’t expect to be putting their training into practice quite so soon, but this is what happened to two of our cadets earlier this week.
On Wednesday (2 May), two of our senior cadets, Sgt Oakleigh Murphy and Cpl Ezme Tiley helped to save a man’s life at Rock Gardens, at the top of St James Street, Brighton.
When asked, this is how the story was told:
“We had both just got off the bus when we saw a man who looked like he had fallen, so we helped him up to see if he was okay. As we helped him up he was saying he wanted to go home, but he was in a lot of pain and reaching for his chest.
Straight away we were concerned and advised him to have a seat. He insisted he wanted to go home, so as we agreed to walk with him his legs started swaying and shaking. Moments later he collapsed toward the floor.
As we were next to him, we managed to help him to the ground. Using what we had been taught and practiced in, we carried out all the first aid drills instinctively; checking breathing, his response and everything.
While one of us carried this out, the other one of us called the ambulance and told location etc… but all the stuff they lady on the phone was asking we had already found out! – She seemed very impressed.
We waited with the man, reassuring him until the ambulance arrived; they got to us in an impressive 4 minutes!
We were relieved that they were there to now help him”.
Oakleigh added, “I was so proud of us both and buzzing to use our skills on someone in need. We stayed calm the whole time and felt like we had been in the situation before from all the practice. We should thank you (the CCF)! I hope he’s home safely.”
Ezme told us, “I forgot to mention the best part! After not saying a word for a good few minutes, or responding, we said that he’s in good hands with the ambulance and he whispered to us, “I don’t know how I could ever repay you.” I hope the poor guy is alright.”
Major Pringle and Captain Tester are both members of staff at Longhill High. Mr Tester was understandably beaming with pride. He told us, “Both Major Pringle and I are so very proud of our cadets, every time we have a parade evening or a camp; but it is times like this that make all the planning we conduct, all the training that cadets undertake and the development of their life skills worthwhile.
Well done girls, you are both amazing role models to the cadets beneath you and to all of us.” We certainly second that!
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