Students from Spain Enjoy What Longhill Has to Offer
Longhill School has been lucky enough to have 12 Spanish students visiting our fantastic Modern Foreign Languages department for an exciting scheme. They’ve travelled all the way from Fondacian Llor, a sports college near Barcelona! This is the second time we’ve had visitors from this school and it’s an absolute pleasure to welcome them back.
They’ve been using a ‘buddy system’, where they’ve been paired with students in year 9, 10 and 11 to work on their English, and help our students improve their Spanish skills. The students are finishing their third week and we can definitely say they’ve become part of the school life. They’ve been experiencing exciting lessons across the school, including getting involved with drama performances, science, maths, and completing extra-curricular activities with the PE and Performing Arts departments.
The typical day for the Spanish students involves completing a usual school day, and then going out on a variety of extra-curricular events with UK High School Immersion after school. They stay with host families in the community, and everybody all works together to make sure students are happy and having a great time.
We hope our Spanish visitors enjoy the rest of their stay at Longhill!
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