Snow White and the Seven Citizens of Several Sizes
Longhill High School invites you to join our annual Christmas Pantomime which this year is ‘Snow White and the Seven Citizens of Several Sizes’!
Find out who the magic mirror says is the fairest of them all, boo the evil Queen and her two bungling spies as they set out to capture and kill Snow, follow Prince Charming as he sets out on his quest to find a bride and meet the seven citizens of several sizes! Students from across the school, plus members of staff make up the cast of what promises to be our funniest production to date!
The pantomime is playing on the 12th and 13th of December. Doors open at 6:30pm, with Curtain Up at 7:00pm.
Adults – £4
Students/Seniors – £3
Family (2 Adults/2 Children) – £12
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