Letter to Parents Regarding Teaching and Learning Provision 29.5.2020

29 May 2020


Dear Parent/ Carer,


In reviewing our current Teaching & Learning provision and taking into account the latest government guidance that the majority of students will not be returning to school until September, we are making a few changes. These changes are from Monday 1st June and the reasons behind these are set out below:


  • All students will be set 3 subjects per day rather than five subjects. In addition, on the school website, there will be a range of well-being activities. The change from five subjects to three subjects is in response to feedback that giving students more time to undertake the lessons set as well as giving them time in the day to undertake well-being activities is more supportive and beneficial for students. The subject timetable is as follows:


  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
 Year 7 Maths English Maths English Science
History Science Geography French Spanish
Computer Art Technology Music/Drama RE/PSHE


  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
 Year 8 Science Maths English Maths English
Spanish History Science Geography French
RE/PSHE Computing Art Technology Music/Drama


  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
 Year 9 English Maths English Maths English
Maths Science Science English Science
Option A Option B Option C Option D Maths


  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
 Year 10 English English Maths English Maths
Science Maths Science Science English
Maths Option A Option B Option C Option D


Please note that if any student wishes for additional learning, please email the school with the subject(s) needed.


  • To support students with their learning, we have face-to-face remote contact with a teacher. We realise this contact with teachers is crucial and will support students with accessing their learning and well-being. The timetable for this is below:


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday











All Other Subjects


To access these, students will receive instructions from teachers running the sessions.


Additional Information and resources:


  • Supported by the English & MFL Faculty, Year 7 and 8 students are running an audio book club. Information has been emailed out, but in case you missed this, the first book to listen to is here:




Email your English teacher for information on how to review this audiobook.


  • A reminder that we have two weekly newsmails: One for Well-being support and one from the Head of Year to give the year group information, ideas and support.


  • As well as continuing with the achievement points and work of the week, we have Faculty Home Learning Stars and Students’ work is also celebrated on the school website’s Gallery of Learning.


  • On the school website, as previously mentioned, you will find ‘5 Ways to Wellbeing’ with activities under each ‘way’ including website links for online activities.


We would like to thank you for your support in encouraging your child, or children, to engage with learning.


Kind regards



Kate Williams          Rachel Congreve

Headteacher            Deputy Head Teaching and Learning


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