Letter From The Head Regarding Autumn Weather
Dear Parents/Carers.
In the next few days we are forecast to see the weather change from summer to autumn/winter. I would like to remind you that students are not allowed into the school until 8:10am and it is important that this is adhered to.
We have some buses that arrive to school earlier than this and we will endeavour to ensure that the students are brought into school as quickly as possible, but they will be expected to wait for their temperature check outside.
I would like to remind you that you shouldn’t be dropping your son/daughter off at school by car in the morning as this causes congestion and issues with the buses that need access to the school. If you drive your son/daughter into school, then please drop them off within walking distance of the school.
If you live within the 30 minute walking time for the school then it is ours, and the government’s expectation for your son/daughter to walk to school.
Please ensure that your son/daughter is prepared for the downturn in weather and has a coat and/or hood/umbrella.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for supporting the wearing of face masks on the buses; We were very pleased to see students wearing masks yesterday. Please continue to support this safety measure.
I am sure that you can appreciate the challenges that we are facing and your cooperation and support are very much needed at these times.
Thank you again for your support
Take care
Kate Williams Head teacher
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