School Based Influenza Nasal Spray Vaccination Programme

Posted in: Latest News

The Immunisation Service are coming into school 03/11/2021 to offer your child the Flu vaccination.

A letter has been sent to all parents with instructions on how to complete the online consent form, to either consent or refuse this course of vaccinations.

Please note there is a cut of time and date for consent completion, which can be found in the letter. This also contains important information on the vaccines and frequently asked questions, to help you and your child reach an informed decision regarding consent.

In addition, the letter includes links to publications from Public Health England for relevant school years – to be shared with your child.

The online consent form is available for completion until 11am five working days before the session date above. If you have any difficulties completing this online form, please contact your local Immunisation team before the cut-off date, using the telephone number provided in the attached letter. If you miss the cut off time to complete the consent form, we will not be able to vaccinate your child in school on the day of the vaccination session. The consent form will reopen one working day after the session, enabling you to submit a form for your child to be offered the vaccination at a later date, within one of our catch up clinics.

For further information regarding protecting yourself against flu for school years 7 to 11 children see:

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