Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Faraday Challenge
On Tuesday 11th October a group of students set off to Hove Park School to take part in the IET Faraday Challenge Day. There they competed against 6 other teams from other local schools in a hands-on engineering challenge.
Once the event began the students had to work as a team to design a product. They were given planning sheets, some ‘Faraday money’, and access to a shop that contained various building materials like sheets of plastic, wires, battery packs, small motors, string, lights, etc. As well as designing the product, they had to build a working prototype, and then present their product.
The prototype they built included a pressure sensor made using tinfoil and card that was connected in a circuit to a light, a buzzer, and a motor. The team worked brilliantly to achieve this and all showed impressive creative thinking, scientific knowledge, and problem-solving skills. Our team designed an incredible product, they all worked hard for the entire day and represented the school excellently.
In the end our team didn’t win the competition but we couldn’t have asked for more from our students and we couldn’t be prouder. They will all receive a CREST Discovery Award and an Industrial Cadets Challenger Award for taking part.