Careers Week: Day 1
Today was the start of Careers Week at Longhill High School, where various employment themed activities and talks are happening throughout the site.
To start the day ex Longhill student Jay Dodd, who co-founded the software platform Kuberno, hosted assembly. He told us about his life in work, overcoming unexpected health issues and detailed how he’s achieved success.

Once lessons began, a large group of Year 10 students undertook a NHS NextGen Nurse Workshop, which provides accurate information on what nursing careers are actually like. The session requires team work, problem solving and listening skills that is implemented by nurses everyday.

The workshop continued up until midday but other events where happening across the school. In the art department two successful ex students Alice and Desiree paid classes a visit. They showed students the type of work they create, the projects they have worked on and how they make living as a artists.

Period 4 we had an interesting mix of STEM related occupations in B block. Jade Hollis a Laboratory Manager, who is responsible for a large group of staff that develop important medicines and immunisations, which included the Covid19 virus.
We then had Zslot Regdon a head chef, who stressed the importance of Maths and Science in his line of work. He also talked about Sous vide a method of cooking that involves sealing food in a plastic bag and slow cooked. This is done to preserve the flavours and juices contained within the food.