Year 7 – Induction Day
Our new Year 7 Students arrived today on 04 September 2023 to kick off the new school year. The sun was shining as they arrived onto the grounds, gathering on the field and catching up with their peers. They were then organised in their mentor groups, where they were taken to their mentor rooms to be briefed about the day.

To insure that students get access to food in the canteen, students were brought down to student services where they got their fingerprints scanned. Being a cashless school, students use their fingerprints to pay for their food. SQuid accounts can be accessed via the portal:

A literary test has been planned for all students, to gauge their reading levels and for the rest of the day normal timetabled lessons will begin. This ranges from Modern Foreign Languages, Art, History, Science, English and P.E.

In the afternoon a fire alarm test has been organised, to insure that the new students are aware of the evacuation procedures and where to go in the event of a fire.