Science Club – Eggsperiment

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Every Thursday after school in room B307, the Science Department hosts the vibrant Science Club. This weekly event features a variety of experiments for students to trial, fostering a hands-on learning environment.

Recently, students participated in the Parachute Egg Drop Experiment, a fun and educational activity that demonstrates the principles of gravity and air resistance. The experiment involves dropping an egg with a parachute to observe the effects of these forces.

Egg being parachuted to the group using a science experiment.
Egg being parachuted to the group using a science experiment.
Egg being parachuted to the group using a science experiment.

The Science Behind It

When you drop an object, it falls due to Earth’s gravity. However, you might notice that some objects fall faster than others. This difference in speed is due to air resistance.

If you drop a piece of paper and a LEGO brick, you’ll see that the paper falls more slowly. This happens because the paper has a larger surface area, which encounters more air resistance, thus slowing its descent. Conversely, an egg dropped without any form of resistance would fall quickly and break upon impact.

The parachute, however, introduces significant air resistance, slowing the fall and protecting the egg from breaking. This experiment vividly illustrates how parachutes work by increasing air resistance and reducing the falling speed of an object.

Students holding up their eggs without cracks.
Osaosemwen , Ailsa, Angus, Martha and Finley

Join us at Science Club for more engaging experiments and a deeper understanding of the fascinating world of science!

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