Year 7 Team Building Day
On Thursday the 10th of November the whole of Year 7 took part in a number of team building exercises run by Longhill CCF cadets.
The aim of the exercises was to challenge our students to work together in small groups of around 10 to overcome and complete the tasks presented to them.
To be successful they needed to problem solve as a team and to communicate the solutions effectively.
These activities were:
Magic Carpet

Shark Infested Custard

Booby Traps

Space Hoppers

Great fun was had by all and they managed to complete the tasks effectively.
Big thanks go to Mr Fallick and Mr Grier for formulating the idea and organising the day.
Our biggest thank you goes to our cadets; Joseph, Oliver, Nikolai, Seth and Josh, for preparing, practicing, running the tasks and most of all, for controlling some very excitable Year 7’s!