Letter from the Headteacher
Dear Parents / Carers,
It is with great pleasure that I am writing to you at the end of my first week as the Headteacher of Longhill High School. I am delighted to be at a school with such dedicated staff and committed parents, who all work together to support the wonderful pupils that we have here.
The Year 11 pupils who came in over the holidays to collect their examination results were in high spirits, as they should have been, and I want to take this opportunity to congratulate them on their results, and wish them the best in their future endeavours.
What a fantastic first week it has been: even the sun has shone on us! Our new Year 7 pupils have settled in wonderfully, and it was lovely to meet some of their parents at the school gate on their first day: thank you for being so welcoming to me. As myself and the Year 7 pupils are all new, we have enjoyed our first assembly and our first fire drill together, and in both instances their behaviour was impeccable. It is tricky starting a new school, and we are very proud of the resilience that they have shown this week.
In other news, we are excited to see the inception of our STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) provision here at Longhill. We have Mr Ous (Head of Mathematics) and Ms Wilson (Head of Science) who are leading on this, and they have lots of exciting clubs and events lined up for the year, so watch this space.
This afternoon, I was delighted to watch a concert performed by local musicians who were here to promote our music service to the Year 7 pupils. What a lovely way to end the week! Thank you to the talented musicians and to our Head of Music, Ms English.
We are expecting the weather to cool down a little next week, but please do ensure that your child has a refillable water bottle (or bottles!) with them: they have access to our water fountains in between lessons and at break and lunchtimes. We are also encouraging pupils to remove their blazers when they want to, and to ask their teacher/s to attend the medical room during lessons if they feel unwell.
Thank you in advance for your support: I believe that families and schools that work together, succeed together, and so I am looking forward to the next week at Longhill High School.
Best wishes,
Mrs Otulakowski