- Applying for secondary school in Brighton & Hove
- School Admissions
- Pupil registration
- Policy / Parental Consent
- Admissions/Intake process explained
Applying for secondary school in Brighton & Hove
School Admissions Guide for Brighton & Hove
For information about the application process, catchment areas, moving house, school transport and much more, please see the Brighton & Hove Schools Admissions Guide:
Pupil Registration
Applications to join the school are made via BHCC website. Once you have been secured a place at Longhill High School you will need to complete a pupil registration form, which can be downloaded here.
Policy Information and Parental Consents
School Rules
Parents/carers and students who accept a place at Longhill High School, must agree to abide by the school rules, uniform standards, behaviour expectations, discipline, consequences and sanctions in accordance with our school polices which can be found on the policies page of our website.
Home/School Partnership Agreement
Attendance Policy
Acceptable use of ICT
Cashless Catering and Bio metrics (ParentPay)
ParentPay is a secure online payment system that eliminates the need for your child to bring cash or cheques into school. It can be used to pay for school trips, lunches and any other expenses that may be incurred at school. ParentPay funds are pre-loaded to the secure online account and then spent in the canteen using a unique biometric finger print identifier (not an actual fingerprint). We are required to obtain consent from parents or carers before recording student’s biometric data. Therefore, we ask that you ensure you tick the consent boxes on the pupil registration form.
We usually complete the scanning on the new students induction day. If you do not wish to participate in this process the school will make alternative arrangements for your child to purchase food in the canteen using a card. There is a replacement charge payable for lost cards. Please email if you do not want to have your child biometrically registered. You will be provided with a unique, secure access code for your ParentPay account prior to the start of the school year.
Photographic Consent
Medicine in School Policy
Bus Travel Information Leaflet
The admissions/intake process explained
Registration and Consent Form Completed
Once you have completed your registration and consent forms, they should be sent to the school via one of these options:
- Posted to: Mr Hisham, Admissions and Data Officer, Longhill High School, Falmer Road, Rottingdean, BN2 7FR
- Emailed to:
- By hand to: Reception
Information Event (new Year 7s) will be held on Thursday 4th July 2024 at 5.30-7.30pm
New Year 7 students will start on Wednesday 4th September 2024.
Further important information for year 6 parents will be updated here.