Website Feedback
We have been working hard to create this brand new website which we hope will give our users a more enjoyable and seamless experience. Our goal is to enable all of our students, parents and staff to find the resources quickly and easily. As part of this process, we would like to give you the opportunity to share your feedback about what you think is working well and if there are any areas which require improvement. By sharing your observations and views, we will be able to mend any broken links, update missing information and ensure our website is adequately serving the Longhill High School community. Please use the form below to report any bugs or navigation issues, and also to tell us about your user experience! Please ensure your feedback is submitted by ‘November 12th’. Your time and support is appreciated.
Please do so before 12th November, after which time Version 1.0 of the site will go live and the website will officially handed over from the Developers to Longhill High School (At that time this feedback form will be taken down from the site)