Uniforms September 2018
Dear Parent / Carer
I hope that you and your family have enjoyed a great summer holiday.
As we approach the start of a new academic year, I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your support during the last academic year. Longhill High School is a good school and that has a lot to do with the support you give us and that you give your child/ren with regard to their education.
I just wanted to reiterate a few things before our return next week. I also received a couple of queries and questions over the holiday period, so I thought that I would write to you all to ensure that you all have the correct information.
For September 2018 trainers are acceptable, but this will change for September 2019 when we move to a more formal shoe to complement the new uniform. Our advice is therefore, when you need to replace the current footwear during the next academic year, please purchase a shoe rather than a trainer. I know that some of your children already wear shoes and not trainers, so this change will not affect you.
There is no change here, just a reminder that student in year 7, 8 and 9 should not be wearing makeup to school. Students in Year 10 and 11 are allowed to wear makeup but this need to be ‘natural’ and not excessive (this includes nail varnish). No student is permitted to wear false nails.
Just a reminder that one plain stud in each ear is the only jewellery permitted. Necklaces, bracelets and facial piercings are not allowed within the uniform policy. This is mainly linked to health and safety, but also ensures uniform continuity and equality.
Correct Uniform
We will be expecting all students in correct uniform on the first day back. The students have had a positive response to the new uniform and we have been pleased with its impact. The only constant battle is our young ladies rolling up their skirts: please could you support us in discussing this with your daughter(s). We will be expecting to see skirts of appropriate length in September.
I hope you enjoy a lovely weekend and I look forward to seeing your son/daughter in next week.
Kind regards
Kate Williams
For more information about our school uniform, please visit our uniforms page by clicking the link below;
Longhill High School Uniforms