Year 11 Letter Regarding Large Gatherings – 25.06.2020

Dear Parents and Carers,


This school year has been like no other, especially for Year 11. The simple fact of not

being able to go to school, cancelled exams and the loss of traditional end of school

celebrations have been extremely hard on all concerned.


This week saw the official end of the exam season. It is a time when many pupils would

have been looking forward to gathering with friends ahead of the summer break. The

Covid-19 restrictions have changed all plans.


We share the sadness in the missed opportunities for this year group and their friends.

It is understandable that frustration at the long lockdown led to some young people

gathering together recently in numbers far higher than is safe during a pandemic. But while

recognising the reasons, it’s important that we do all we can to encourage young people

not to put themselves or their families at risk in this way.


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