Poverty Proofing the School Day – Research
Dear Parents/Carers,
Poverty Proofing the School Day
We all know that the past few years have been uniquely challenging in lots of different ways, and for some families financial circumstances may have been affected. We are working with your school as it strives to remove any barriers to children’s learning, ensuring pressures on household income doesn’t have a negative impact on any child’s education.
We are currently working with Longhill High School to support the school to ‘poverty proof’ the school day. This means your school is looking to ensure that every child has the same opportunities throughout the school day. We are speaking to some pupils, school staff and governors and would like to get your views as parents or carers too. We will be discussing things such as access to trips, after school clubs and music tuition, the costs of uniform, how free school meals are administered and how students access food during the school day.
It’s a great opportunity for you to give the school some feedback so that school can be offering the most relevant and helpful support to families. Please give your views anonymously online by Thursday 8th June by using the following link https://forms.office.com/e/8Gm6WTrUkK
If you have any further questions or queries then please email educationandskills@brighton-hove.gov.uk and label it “Poverty Proofing.”
Best wishes
Lucy Rayner
Poverty Proofing Researcher
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