Important Information – Measles (MMR)
Are your family protected against measles?
Check whether you and your children have had your MMR vaccines.
Measles is now circulating in England and families are advised to check whether children, teenagers and adults are up to date with their measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine, particularly before travelling this summer and before attending summer festivals where measles can spread more easily. Measles is a highly infectious disease which can lead to serious illness. MMR vaccine provides excellent protection against measles and is free on the NHS.
Children are offered the first dose of the MMR vaccine at one year and the second dose at 3 years 4 months, but they can be given with as little as a one-month gap between doses, depending on age.
To see if your child is up to date with their MMR vaccine, check their red book, or contact your GP practice. If anyone has missed one or both doses, contact your GP practice to book an appointment.
It’s never too late to catch up on your MMR vaccination
Families are advised to contact their GP practice to check they and their children are up to date.
Visit for more information
Resources for schools: Immunisations: resources for nurseries and schools – GOV.UK (
More information : Urged to check children’s MMR vaccine records following rise in measles cases – GOV.UK (
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