Ski Trip 2024 – Easter – Italy
Following on from the successes of our many past ski trips, we are now pleased to announce our next trip which will take place over Easter 2024. We have booked a resort in Italy, which is a tried and tested location that offers some excellent snow conditions with opportunities for good quality skiing.
The trip will involve current Year 9 and Year 10 students, with a total of 80 places available. The trip will be organised by Select School Skiing. The includes travel to and from the resort from school in an executive coach, full board accommodation, ski and safety equipment hire, ski lift passes, insurance, five days of professional instruction and evening entertainment.
We will also be having a Film Night, Quiz Evening during the week as well as a Pizza Evening on 3rd April in one of the local pizza restaurants.
Please find below our departure and arrival information.
Sunday 31 March Travel to Italy
Arrive at school 15.15 Please do not be late as the coach needs to be loaded and depart the school by 15.45 to catch the ferry from Dover at 20.45
Sunday 7 April – Arrival back at Longhill High School
Approximate arrival time will be 16.00. We will keep you updated via Twitter.
We will be departing from the resort at 20.00 on Saturday 6 April for the journey home
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