The Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award offers a fun, life-changing experience and the opportunity to discover new interests and talents. Participants develop essential communication, leadership, and teamwork skills while making a positive impact on their community. The DofE Bronze Award is divided into four sections: On the weekend of July 6th-7th 2024, 20 Year 10… Read more
During the last week of June Longhill CCF cadets enjoyed a week of challenge and excitement while attending an AT (Adventure Training) Camp up at Halton Training Camp in Lancashire which is the headquarters of the Joint Service Mountain Training Wing. The camp was run and organised by Brighton College CCF who kindly invited us… Read more
On Thursday 6th June, students from Year 10 attended an exciting Maths\STEM open day at Sussex University. The group attended practical sessions, investigating 2D shapes with a 13 sided shape called an aperiodic (which means forms a shape which cannot be repeated) and the 3D concept of the Mobius Strip. A surface with one continuous… Read more
Following on from the successes of our many past ski trips, we are now pleased to announce our next trip which will take place over Easter 2024. We have booked a resort in Italy, which is a tried and tested location that offers some excellent snow conditions with opportunities for good quality skiing. The trip… Read more