Year 6 to Year 7 Transition

Please click the link below to find out further information:

The transition from primary to secondary school can be an exhilarating time for many children. The opportunity to experience new subjects, new activities and make new friends at a bigger school is often met with great excitement. At Longhill High School, we understand that whilst most students feel this way, some may experience nervousness at the thought of starting at a new, larger school. Longhill High School strives to ensure all students feel supported in their transition process and that it goes as smoothly as possible.

Longhill High School has a team of experienced staff who are here to help you and your child. We have a designated Transition Coordinator whose job it is (alongside The Year Leader for Year 7 and Year Assistant) to ensure that, at every step of the way, your child is made to feel welcome and secure.

Our team of staff visits the Primary schools during May/June; this is a great opportunity to meet the children in their own environment and a chance to field lots of questions they may have about starting Longhill High School.

We also have a one day city wide transition day in July for students to experience lessons, meet the teachers, sample the canteen and, of course, get to know their way around Longhill High School. This process has proved extremely beneficial for the students in settling them in and also allows the teachers to get to know the students. During this period, your child will meet their mentor and mentor group. With few exceptions, students remain in the same mentor throughout their time at Longhill High School

Mentors play a key role in our relationship with you and your child, so we hold a ‘New Parent evening’, so you can also get to know your child’s mentor. As we understand that queries or concerns may surface at any time, you will be provided with the mentor’s direct email address. We have had fantastic feedback from parents and students and believe this gives them a solid grounding in ensuring they are as comfortable and confident as possible as they embark on this new phase of their education. We are extremely proud of how well our new year 7s settle into Longhill High School.

More information will follow and letters will be sent to parents during May and June.

If you have any questions please feel free to email:

Additional Support

For students identified as needing extra support, our SENDCO contacts each Primary school early on in the process and will arrange meetings with students and relevant teams. This ensures that we have relevant knowledge of all students’ additional needs before engaging with them on visits and preparing our provision for their arrival in September. We take a very personalised approach to plan our provision for SEND students and want each student to feel fully supported in their needs through the transition process and once they start Longhill High School.

Please let us know if you have any further questions about this process to help
support children and parents as they join

Year 7 Registration Form

July 2024

Key dates in July for the transitioning of students from Years 6 to Year 7.

Thursday 4th July – New Intake Information Event, For Year 6 and Parent/Carers, 5.30pm – 7.30pm.

Friday 5th July – Year 6 Moving On Day, at Longhill High School, 8.30am – 2pm.

Summer School

We are planning on running a summer school for all Year 6 during the last week of 22-26 July.

This will be open to all Year 6 students.

More information will follow.


School Uniform

Find out more about our school uniform by visiting this page:

The First Day

We meet all first day students outside the sports centre. Year 7 start a day earlier than all the other years and so they are the only students in school alongside some helpers. We will take all first year students into the large sports hall where they are put into mentor groups and teaching groups.

In addition, we have lots of group activities. These students to get to know the people in their group and some of their lessons.

The First Few Weeks

Students are met at the sports hall every morning. They are put into groups and taken to all lessons, and are brought back to the sports hall at the end of each lesson.

Normally after the first-week students are able to make their own way to lessons, but we monitor this and can offer more support when needed. Students often get lost (along with the new members of staff) but there is always someone around to offer help.

We allow Year 7 students to leave for break, lunch and the buses 5 minutes early to help them settle. On the buses we ask that all year 7 students sit downstairs. This is to allow us to better keep an eye on them. We have bus monitors on all of the school buses.


There is a 20 minute mentor time at the beginning of each day. The current Year 7 have the following programme:

Check Uniform and Equipment. Go through the weekly theme PowerPoint .

Check Uniform and Equipment. Silent Reading. All students to have a reading book with them at all times.

Check Uniform and Equipment. Mentor time activity.

Check Uniform and Equipment. Attendance, Behaviour and Achievement written into diaries.

Check Uniform and Equipment. Assembly.