Intake Evening 2023
Intake Information Evening this year was held on Tuesday 4th July 2023.
The aim of the evening is to introduce the key people who work in Year 7, hear from current students, explain our school systems and show parents Class Charts, The School Portal & Squid.

We explained which buses serve our school, which is listed here on our website:
Year 7 students have assembly every Friday, and mentor period every other morning. We teach 14 subjects, ranging from English to PSHE. During break and lunchtimes, students can use the basement and the canteen. Longhill is a cashless school, so students will have to have to use fingerprint payment method, linked to a squid account. During lunchtimes, the library is open to students and there are extracurricular activities such as LGBTQ+ and Poetry Club.

Homework is set through class charts, which is set weekly, or over a longer period for bigger projects. The key reward systems of the school is gaining Achievement Points, Mentor & House Points, Golden Tickets, Fun Friday treats, the Headteacher’s Prize Draw, and Celebration Evenings.
The uniform policy is stated on the school website here: Mobile phones are permitted in school but should be silent, or off during the lessons.
A child’s mentor is the first point of call for parents, then it will be either Miss Haydock, Miss Mundy.

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