Summer School 2023
On week commencing Monday 24th July 2023, we will be hosting a Summer School at Longhill High School. This will be the first time some of our new Year 7 students will meet each other, their Head of Year, House Co-ordinators, Mentors and it marks the beginning of a five year relationship.

Moving from primary to secondary school is an important time for students in their school journey; attending our summer school will significantly help students to cope with the change. Making new friends, trying new things, developing confidence and self-esteem, are just a few of the benefits students will experience before starting at Longhill.

Over 100 Year 6s from our local primary schools attended this year’s summer school. Each day was filled with different activities and the children got a chance to work with new teachers and meet new friends. They undertook a variety of team challenges including building globes, designing rockets, making balloon towers, making slime, maths pirate games, PE activities and lots more. All children were really positive about the week and felt that it has helped them feel more confident and excited about starting at Longhill in September
Ms Keating – Assistant Headteacher