Early Closure – Open Evening 27 September 2018

A polite reminder to parents and carers that on Thursday 27 September 2018, Longhill High School will close early at 1pm in order to prepare for our annual Open Evening event. Please see the letter below for further information.

Come and Visit Us!

Posted in: Latest News

Thursday 27th September is Longhill High School’s annual Open Evening and we’d love you to come along and see what we have to offer your child. There will be talks by our Headteacher, Kate Williams, as well as guided tours of the school, led by some of our delightful younger students. You can meet our… Read more

Could Your Child be a Musician of the Future?

Posted in: Latest News

Students in Year 7 are being given a fantastic opportunity again this year, thanks to Brighton & Hove Music & Arts (BHMA).  If they wish, every Year 7 student will be able to learn a musical instrument, of their own choosing, in small group lessons either at school or at one of their music centres…. Read more

Uniforms September 2018 

Dear Parent / Carer I hope that you and your family have enjoyed a great summer holiday. As we approach the start of a new academic year, I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your support during the last academic year. Longhill High School is a good school and that has… Read more