Year 8 Options Evening: Thursday 28 January 2021 – 4pm to 6pm

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Posted in: Latest News

After careful consideration of Covid-19 safety, all affected students and staff have been informed that the Music exam scheduled for 7th January, and Sports Studies exam scheduled for 11th January are cancelled. Students are reassured that they will not be put at a disadvantage by this decision.

Year 7 Classrooms to Care Homes

Connecting schools to care homes to help alleviate loneliness for older people and the care home staff this Christmas and beyond. With the English Department, in the run up to Christmas, Year 7 were given an opportunity to connect to our local community through the ‘Classrooms to Care Homes’ project, advertised by the TES magazine…. Read more

Headteacher’ Christmas good wishes & reminder to report positive Covid-19 tests

Kate Williams wishes all a happy and restful Christmas break with her thanks for the great support over challenging times. The school will be supporting ‘track and trace’ over the  Christmas holiday – please inform the School by email if any child tests positive so we may ascertain if others need to isolate.