Year 11 Leaving in Style

Posted in: Latest News

On a beautiful summer evening, Year 11 students from Longhill High School came together for the final time before heading off for their summer holidays and then to pastures new. The setting for this year’s Year 11 Prom was the idyllic Pangdean Barn in Pyecombe.  This rural haven, just a few miles outside Brighton, was… Read more

Badminton Clubs Take off at Longhill Sports Centre

Posted in: Latest News

At the start of this year, staff at Longhill Sports Centre (LSC) decided to add badminton to their list of activities and academies on offer.  Now, six months later, the shuttlecocks are still flying, with the badminton clubs going from strength to strength. Longhill Sports Centre’s Junior Badminton Academy runs every Tuesday from 5 –… Read more

Students Inspired by Arty Day in London

Posted in: Latest News

On a sunny Wednesday last month, a group of art students travelled by coach to London for a double treat when they visited firstly the Saatchi Gallery in Chelsea, followed by the Victoria and Albert Museum in Knightsbridge. Year 9 student Abi told us about the trip, starting with the Saatchi Gallery. “We had a… Read more