Posted in: News Archive

Friday 21st June 3.30-5.00pm Year 11s are invited to attend the Leaver’s BBQ which is held in the Hall.  Burgers, sausages and softdrinks are provided.  Leaver’s YEARBOOKS will be available to collect during this time.

Use of The Vale

Posted in: News Archive

I have been asked by our Vale residents to remind our parents of the following.   Please be aware that the Vale exit to the North of the school is a private road.  This is the section of the road past the school entrance and through to the Ovingdean Road   The public road ends… Read more

Headteacher’s Summer Half Term Letter

Posted in: News Archive

Dear Parents/Carers Summer has arrived, gone again, arrived and gone again, we wait its return… We have a few events coming up that I wish to share with you. Tuesday 16th July will be our annual Celebration Evening. Always a huge pleasure to share our successes, Year 7 to Year 10, bringing the end to… Read more

INSET Day: Friday 24 May 2013

Posted in: News Archive

Please may we remind you that the school will be closed on Friday 24 May for staff training Please note that the school will be open for students taking the Business Studies, Music & Persian exams.