Longhill High School has brought together some resources and contacts that parents and pupils might find helpful. These can be found here https://longhill.org.uk/support/
CLOSURE OF LONGHILL SPORTS CENTRE Longhill Sports Centre will be closed from 12pm on Friday 20/03/2020 until further notice. We have advised Brighton & Hove City council to freeze all Direct Debit memberships. Annual Memberships will have the missed time period added on once the centre re-opens. Any outstanding costs for… Read more
Today Longhill High School will close for the majority of students for an unknown number of weeks or months. On Monday 23rd March 2020 we will deliver our education via online/remote learning methods. Please see attached letter from the Headteacher:
Dear Parents/carers Re: Keyworkers Dear Parent/Carers, The government has now provided schools with a more detailed list of key workers – please see below. If you now feel that you are a keyworker, and you have not already let us know via our survey that we sent out yesterday, please would… Read more