You're viewing posts in: In the Community

Well Being – Return to School- Newsletter 1 – 3.7.2020

The new normal As the school prepares to be fully open for all of our school community in September we need to start to prepare our emotional health and well being for this change. The school has brought together some helpful resources in a newsletter to help cope with this new normal.  

Virtual Sussex School Games – 7.7.2020

Good morning all,   There are only 2 more weeks of the Sussex School Games so it would be great to see Longhill move up the leaderboard!   Hopefully some of you took part in last week’s Rugby challenges and were able to earn some points for Longhill!   This week’s challenges are all about Golf. Don’t… Read more

Longhill High School Lockdown Quiz

During the lock down the school has continued to support our school community on-line in a number of new ways. Here is an example.   See how many questions you can answer with your family, on your own or with your friends in a virtual team.   Enjoy.  

Year 6 Vlog – Episode 3

We are putting together weekly VLOGS to prepare year 6 pupils for their next steps and allow them to see that they are not alone in these very uncertain times. The videos are being created to show as many staff as we can before your child transitions to secondary school and to go through common questions… Read more