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Well Being Newsletter 7 – 5.6.2020

The school has brought together some helpful resources in a newsletter to help with Well Being during these difficult times:

Well Being Newsletter 6 – 22/5/2020

The school has brought together some helpful resources in a newsletter to help with Well Being during these difficult times:

Well-being at Longhill High School

Here at Longhill High School we are asking pupils to try two well-being activities every day.   Five ways to wellbeing are: Way 1: Connect Way 2: Be active Way 3: Keep Learning Way 4: Give Way 5: Take Notice        

Headteachers Letter – Year 10 – Phased Return to School

Dear Year 10 Parents and Carers   Year 10 – Phased return to school.    As you will be aware the government has announced plans for schools to start to engage with Year 10 students from June 1st 2020. This letter is to share with you the plans that we have devised for year 10… Read more