You're viewing posts in: In the Community

Year 11 Letter Regarding Large Gatherings – 25.06.2020

Dear Parents and Carers,   This school year has been like no other, especially for Year 11. The simple fact of not being able to go to school, cancelled exams and the loss of traditional end of school celebrations have been extremely hard on all concerned.   This week saw the official end of the… Read more

Virtual Sussex School Games

Good afternoon all,   I hope this email finds you well. You may or may not know but there is currently a massive sporting competition going on called the Sussex Virtual School Games. Each week a different set of sporting challenges are released for children, parents, carers and teachers from around the county to participate… Read more

Year 6 Vlog – Episode 2

At Longhill High School we understand that it can be daunting for parents to move from having one teacher to contact in primary school, to a range of teachers in secondary school.   We are putting together weekly VLOGS to prepare year 6 pupils for their next steps and allow them to see that they… Read more

National School Sports Week at Home – Saturday 20th June to Friday 26th June

Dear Parent/Carer   I hope this email finds you all well.   Next week is National School Sport Week at Home 2020 Saturday 20 June – Friday 26 June!   The Youth Sport Trust and Sky Sports are teaming up this year for the National School Sport Week at Home 2020.   Longhill High School… Read more