First Aid Success for Longhill CCF Cadets

Posted in: News Archive

For the last half term, Capt Tester, of Longhill Combined Cadet Force, has been running the St John’s Ambulance’ Young Lifesavers Award (ACFA) for a number of the school’s cadets. They took part in many, many hours or both theoretical and practical training in varied areas of first aid such as dealing with electric shocks,… Read more

Winter Conditions Make for Challenging Week

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It’s been several years since Brighton and Hove has experienced the kind of weather we had last week, with positively arctic conditions coming from several directions, bringing large areas of the whole country to a virtual standstill. Whether or not to close any school is a difficult decision to make and must be carefully considered,… Read more

Geographers Brave the Elements

Posted in: News Archive

A group of Year 9 geography students took part in a field study recently, in conjunction with Brighton University. The geographers were split into two groups: the first to look at the micro climate in the area of the Amex Stadium and the second group to decide whether they thought that the Stadium had been… Read more

Students Benefit from Practising Interview Skills

Posted in: News Archive

Year 11 students from Longhill High School have been given the opportunity this week to take part in mock job interviews with managers from local business and enterprise organisations.  In collaboration with Deputy Head Bill Holland, Careers Advisor Cordelia Dobby and Head of PSHE Hugh Garling, the whole day workshop has received a definite ‘thumbs… Read more