Moving Performance by Longhill Drama Students

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Students, parents and staff were moved to tears this week by a performance of the hard-hitting drama, “I Love You Mum – I Promise I Won’t Die.” Year 11 students at Longhill High worked hard with their Head of Drama, Ms Fenwick, to recreate the play, written by Mark Wheeller. The play recounts the tragic… Read more

Research Can Be Fun at University of Sussex

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A group of Year 10 higher ability students from Longhill High School visited the University of Sussex recently to take part in a widening participation event.  As well as having a look around the impressive university campus and sampling the delights of one of its cafeterias, the students took part in two interactive workshops. The… Read more

Independence for Nick thanks to Wheelchair Donation 

Posted in: News Archive

Year 10 student, Nick Boyland, is over the moon with his new power-assisted wheelchair, generously donated by Genting Casinos and CHIPS. The CHIPS charity was founded on behalf of the casino and gaming industry and raises funds to purchase specialised powered wheelchairs for young people with disabilities.   Working alongside Motus Medical, who are experts in… Read more

Royal Veterinary College Visit Enthrals Students

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As part of the University of Brighton’s widening participation programme, a group of Longhill High School students aged from 13 to 16 were given the opportunity to visit the Royal Veterinary College in Camden recently. On arriving at the impressive Royal Veterinary College, the students visited one of the lecture theatres to hear about the… Read more