Royal Veterinary College Visit Enthrals Students

Posted in: News Archive

As part of the University of Brighton’s widening participation programme, a group of Longhill High School students aged from 13 to 16 were given the opportunity to visit the Royal Veterinary College in Camden recently. On arriving at the impressive Royal Veterinary College, the students visited one of the lecture theatres to hear about the… Read more

It’s Maths – But Not as We Knew It!

Posted in: News Archive

Have you heard about Hegarty Maths?  If you have, then maybe you’d like to know a little more; if you haven’t, then please read on and we will tell you about this fantastic resource. This award-winning online maths programme is now available to all Longhill High School maths students and has been designed to work… Read more

Busy Times Ahead for Longhill CCF

Posted in: News Archive

Longhill High School’s contingent of the Combined Cadet Force have just finished planning their March training weekend, which takes place on 9-11 March 2018.  The weekend camp will be held at Crowborough Military Training Camp in East Sussex. This camp has been designed to allow new recruits (and any late joiners in the next few… Read more

Money Matters Opportunity for Year 10 Students

Posted in: News Archive

Students in Year 10 at Longhill High School enjoyed an enlightening course recently from a local bank, focusing on children and young people learning about money.  Many surprised faces expressed shocked looks when realising the cost of living, the challenge of saving, the pitfalls of easily available credit solutions and how important planning and saving… Read more